Sunday, February 24, 2008

Damn dogs

I love my dogs oooh so very much. But after a lot of hard work, Bella has reverted to peeing on the carpet. I think that it is because of the move but it is so frustrating.. she is our problem child from a troubled past.

Oooh so fluffy, cute, and cuddly; full of piss and vinegar.

The job fair was a bit of a bust. I was expecting an expo and instead it was like a large bake sale. Lots of 'We're looking for dishwashers and housekeeping'. I felt over dressed but Sarah assured me that I wasn't. The good news is that I have an interview on Tuesday with a resort hotel. Hopefully I'll have good news to post on Tuesday.

On the Cg front, things are coming along smoothly. Thad showed me some old animations that I did -

Things look like this now..

When before, they looked like this.

Hooray for improvement!!

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