Saturday, March 1, 2008

Guillotine Necklace

I was thinking about faith and god today.. in particularly Christianity and Catholicism . Mostly about the fixation on pain, suffering, and death of Jesus. I'm by no means a religious scholar and really don't know much about it (I'm sure there are a multitude of great books out there on the subject), but what other religions focus so much on the death of their prophets & saviors? Birth, death, and resurrection.. shouldn't the religion be focused on life? After all; we're alive and it is kind of our principle concern. Yes yes..afterlife.. but who needs faith after you're dead? Just some musings..

On the flip side: would life be odd if the Roman empire had the guillotine? No fixation on pain and suffering.. drop and chop. What would churches be like? Crosses were an implement of death and suffering (crucifix coming from cruciare which means"to torture") and they are represented all over the place. Imagine guillotines and baskets outside of buildings all around your city and towns.. iron maidens necklaces hanging around peoples necks. I know that the modern usage of the cross and crucifix is more or less a symbol - a way of saying "me = Catholic or Christian". What a bizarre thing though.

I love my dogs.. no dogs go to heaven.. because dogs don't have souls. Eternal kowtowing. Wtf?

Gnashing of teeth and fiery brimstone.. Eternal suffering. Wtf?

Can we get some better options?

Enough on all this.. I'm bumming myself out.

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