Saturday, March 8, 2008

Picture book

I was listening to the Kinks "Picture Book" today and the song has stayed with me all day. The Kinks are such a great band - I love all the British invasion bands (the Beatles, the Who, and the Rolling Stones) but out of all of them, I feel that the Kinks' sound embodies more of the style that I enjoy listening to in modern music. That is a bit backwards way of thinking about it I guess.. I've been stuck on the Decemberists, Neutral Milk Hotel, Elliot Smith, and Death Cab lately.. surely their music has been influenced in some way by the 60-70's era British music scene. The songs have such great narratives and some fun poppy rhythms... gotta love em.

Apparently I like a lot of "Emo" groups. What about this music makes kids want to write dark poetry, wear too much eyeliner, and get lame haircuts is beyond me. Do Emos exist or are they just a myth that has been popularized by the interweb? Hmm.. hippys.. punks.. head-bangers.. goths.. emos.. (weird.. Sarah and I were big grunge fans.. still am.. not group title? whats the deal?)

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